Hello Girlies! Hope everyone enjoyed Easter and had a great weekend. I've been catching up on the second series of Vampire Diaries like crazy last week and now I have no more episodes to watch, I found an outlet for my obsession with the series by doing an inspired look :) Nina Dobrev who plays the lead character Elena Gilbert and also the doppelganger evil vamp Katherine Pierce, in my opinion is one of the most beautiful girls on TV. I think my girlcrush is mostly based on the fact that she is physically the complete polar opposite of me, so of course I wish I looked like her haha. Anywhoo, on with the look, enjoy xx
I then took Buck and put this in the crease with a pencil brush, making a fairly harsh line, as you want a really defined crease. Then n a blending brush with a tiny bit of Naked on it, I blended Buck, but carefully so it didnt go too high.
With an angled brush I applied Brown Down at quite a sharp angle on the outer corner so it met up with Buck. Using a tapered blending brush and a little more Brown Down I blended this harsh angle in towards Naked.
With an angled brush I applied Brown Down at quite a sharp angle on the outer corner so it met up with Buck. Using a tapered blending brush and a little more Brown Down I blended this harsh angle in towards Naked.