Mercede Johnston Playboy Photos

    mercede johnston

    LOS ANGELES – While Mercede Johnston Playboy photos are expected to turn heads, Mercede Johnston’s remarks about Sarah Palin and Bristol Palin are already prompting controversy. Mercede Johnston, Levi Johnston’s sister, posed for Playboy pictures that will feature the blond 18 year old for the print and online publication. While Johnston has already said damaging remarks about the Palins before, her interview with Playboy’s George Gurley is reportedly explosive. Mercede Johnston was reportedly paid $25,000 by Playboy for the pictures and news interview. The interview was conducted by George Gurley.

    When Mercede Johnston first came into the news in 2009, she had nothing but good remarks about Bristol and Sarah Palin. As Bristol and Levi Johnston split, Mercede Johnston’s remarks changed. In recent weeks, Mercede has been furious about Bristol’s book and her series of public remarks about Levi. While Mercede Johnston has yet to confirm any book deal, this Playboy interview is reportedly directly in response to Bristol’s recent news statements. However, Mercede Johnston also has a few words to say about Sarah Palin.
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    mercede johnston